BC: FNFTA Update - Only 10 BC Bands Left to File

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/01/05

Great to see that the federal government’s final push to get First Nations to file their Financial Transparency Act documents is working – as of January 3, we’re down to just ten left to be filed in B.C.

The two latest – Gitxaala and Takla Lake – did have some interesting numbers in their postings. Takla Lake chief Dolly Abraham was paid $95,562 tax-free for being chief, but the filing listed her as being in the position for just four months. And Gitxaala deputy chief Clarence Innis was paid $86,667 – but claimed an additional $40,934 in travel expenses.

The B.C. $100,000 Club thus far (elected First Nations officials making six figures):

  • Tina Sam, chief, Shxwha:y Village, $140,124
  • Paul Sam, chief, Shuswap, $202,413
  • Alice Sam, councillor, Shuswap, $202,000
  • Norman Davis, chief, Doig River, $127,210
  • Alice Thompson, chief, Leq’a:mel, $107,082
  • Barb Leggat, councillor, Leq’a:mel, $105,609
  • Doug McIntyre, chief, Skuppah, $122,850
  • Roberta Dendys, councillor, Fort Nelson, $105,509
  • Richard Peters, chief, Cheslatta Carrier, $123,033
  • James Frank, chief, Kanaka Bar, $117,000
  • Donny van Somer, chief, Kwadacha, $107,922
  • Tumia Knott, councillor, Kwantlen, $118,895
  • Marilyn Gabriel, chief, Kwantlen, $106,011
  • Ron Giesbrecht, chief, Kwikwetlem, $914,219
  • Clarence Louie, chief, Osoyoos, $146,369
  • Beverly Stager, councillor, Prophet River, $102,837
  • Doug White, chief, Snuneymuxw, $108,022
  • David Joseph Jimmie, chief, Squiala, $105,910
  • Derek Orr, chief, McLeod Lake, $102,000
  • Gary Reece, chief councillor, Lax Kw’alaams, $122,500
  • Eric Wesley, councillor, Snuneymuxw, $314,801 ****Disclosure notes $307,201 for construction services, excluding cost related to delivery of those services. His take home will be far less presumably.

Bear in mind, this is all tax-free money. To take home $100,000 off-reserve in B.C. last year, you would have needed a gross income of $142,227.

Ten B.C. bands have yet to file, including:

  • Boston Bar
  • Chawathil
  • High Bar
  • New Westminster
  • Oregon Jack Creek
  • Peters
  • Popkum
  • Semiahmoo
  • Skatin
  • Tl’etnqox

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